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The Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub is a selflearning network where data stewards, RDM support staff and data professionals with an interest in RDM can come together, share information and resources on RDM as well as open and FAIR data. Launched by the FRDN (Flemish Research Data Network) in February 2021, it aims to bring together domain specific expertise of different institutions to create a knowledge hub that supports all researchers.

Four people smiling in a meeting

Coming soon

Expectation management about what researchers can find on this website in the future. pulvinar. Et semper imperdiet lobortis tellus justo, ac adipiscing euismod arcu. Nunc eu donec odio ac tortor. Commodo tellus cum auctor faucibus a.
Massa, bibendum suspendisse sed quis nibh tellus. Nisi tincidunt fermentum eu adipiscing facilisi amet.

Four people smiling in a meeting

What to expect

  • Online community at Basecamp

    The Knowledge Hub uses Basecamp as an informal communication and interaction space. This tool is a closed space ( - but open to everyone - ) where members of the Knowledge Hub can share information, resources, questions or ideas and promote RDM related events or trainings.

    Become member!
  • Regional & international networks

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