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Shaping the Future of Open Science in Flanders: Insights, Achievements, and Aspirations

A joint initiative of the Flemish research data network (FRDN), the Flemish Open Science Board (FOSB) and the Department of Work, Economy, Science, Innovation and Social Economy (WEWIS)

Javier Allegue Barros C7B Exxpoie Unsplash

Network Day 2025

The Network Day 2025 will be held on the 22nd of May 2025 in Brussels, at the Herman Teirlinck Building on the Tour & Taxis site.

The Network Day will bring together members of the FRDN network to exchange their knowledge and experiences. With the completion of the first Open Science Policy Plan, this event is the perfect opportunity to highlight the network's key achievements and showcase inspiring practices and policy implementations from individual Flemish research institutions over the past five years, made possible through FOSB funding.

We will also look to the future of Open Science in Flanders, exploring the upcoming Flemish policy plan and international trends. In addition, international examples surrounding critical issues in Open Science will provide inspiration and stimulate discussion on the areas we want to focus on in the coming years.

We invite researchers, data stewards, policy makers, funders, project managers, IT and technical staff, legal officers and other stakeholders involved or interested in Open Science to participate and to share experiences and knowledge.




8:30 – 9:20

Register & coffee

9:20 – 10:20

Welcome with FRDN highlights

10:20 – 10:50

Institutions showcase (part 1)

10:50 – 11:10

Break with posters

11:10 – 11:40

Institutions showcase (part 2)

11:40 – 12:00

Federal Open Science Cloud (FedOSC)

12:00 – 12:20

Open Science and its role in the future Flemish science policy

12:20 – 13:15

Lunch with posters

13:15 – 15:00

International inspiration


Stimulating FAIR data sharing - Anneke Zuiderwijk (TU Delft, The Netherlands)

Data stewardship - Aoife Coffey (Sonrai, Ireland)

Open Science KPIs - Marita Kari (National Open Science Secretariat, Finland)

Open Science Infrastructure - Laurents Sesink (SURF, The Netherlands)

Persisent Identifiers (PIDs) - Sven Bingert (NFDI, Germany)

15:00 – 15:15

Break with posters

15:15 – 16:15

Interactive discussions in smaller groups (parallel sessions)


Stimulating FAIR data sharing

Data stewardship

Open Science KPIs

Open Science Infrastructure

16:15 – 16:40

Groups report back

16:40 – 16:50

Closing remarks and poster award

16:50 – 18:00




Register now! Registration is open

Registrations will close on 15 May 2025.

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